Friday 7 December 2012


Australia has been quite different from expected, pleasantly cool. We've been staying with our friend (who introduced us to each other in Guyana) - that has been great and a bit like coming home. We've been viewing the sights of Sydney by swanning around on the ferries. We've also been regally entertained by my cousin. Now we are doing a few nights' hostelling - firstly at Pittwater which is set in a National Park and is only accessible by ferry. There were wallabies hopping around outside the Youth Hostel, and we've seen white cockatoos, kookaburas and massive lizards (goannas).
Tonight we are back in civilisation, across the road from a surf beach - no surf today though, so we had a walk up the hill behind and enjoyed spotting some more birds (rainbow lorikeets) as well as spotting a suitable ice cream shop!

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